Singer Muma Gee has approached a court in Port Harcourt, Rivers state to file for divorce from her husband, Prince Eke. The couple have been at loggerheads since last December when Prince Eke took to social media to hint that his marriage to Muma Gee was in trouble after he shared a photo of their three children on IG alleging that their mother had abandoned them with their nanny for four weeks(Read here ). In a chat with LIB today, Muma Gee's publicist, Don Saint, confirmed to LIB that she has filed for divorce at a court in Port Harcourt, Rivers state, citing domestic violence, battering, infidelity and threat to life as reasons for her request for the dissolution of her four year old marriage to the actor. Don also stated that Muma Gee last night filed a report of threat to her life at a police station in Ikeja, Lagos state after Eke shared a photo of himself, their three children and his sister with a caption which included the phrase "Rest in Peace...